but i checked this as well and i really only have one copy of each file name (when hooking up via usb and browsing). more research, i found out that you can have several folders called "notifications" or "ringtones" anywhere on the sd and regardless of the path it can cause duplicates.

maybe syncing to 32 bit machine successfully would resolve this issue? Now that I actually think about it, the replication of this file does seem to coincide to the amount of failed attempts to get HTC Sync Manager to actually sync, my pc never worked successfully with this, even after formatting and fresh install of windows 7 pro. the app that seems to be cause this is the htc alarm, and its not listed (that i know of) under something you can clear cache for. using something like es file explorer or usb/pc I cannot browse to "music.app" and windows search of the device does not find this file either. i don't see exactly where you are talking about. Old phone: Android 2.3 Gingerbread or above. What can I do to fix this I have all the latest software, so I know thats not the issue. It opens automatically as soon as I connect my HTC, but if I click home it literally says 'No Phone Connected'. This simple tool uses Wi-Fi Direct to transfer your important data, like messages and photos, so it’s never been faster to effortlessly upgrade your phone. I downloaded HTC Sync Manager the other day, and it wont read my phone.

Click to expand.Can you clarify your process when you you state "from within"? If I go to settings>apps, it just pulls up my apps manager. Install HTC Transfer Tool on an old phone to wirelessly move content to your new HTC phone.